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Dartegnian's old blog|Where dreams are penned|Stories are written|Ideas are built|And set in motion

Missing Past Friends

In life, we sometimes come across the most outstanding and influential beings to have ever entered our lives—and some stayed while some didn't. Recently, I've started to notice that my social life (or lack thereof) seemed a little.. bland. It was as if life has lost its luster, its flavor, and it was as if the sun didn't shine as brightly as it used to. After checking my chatbox on Facebook, a question immediately popped up in my head, "Who was that old buddy we used to tell our secrets and stories to? Do we still have a buddy like that now?" The harsh fact that, although there may possibly be some of those people in my friends list, I don't think I can really consider anyone as a buddy whom I can tell my secrets and stories to.

Digging through old Twitter DMs and old messages in my other Facebook account soon ensued, and I was pretty sure that I used to have people who used to be close to me, but not anymore. Oddly enough, I'm faced with a decision that perplexed me since this morning, and I couldn't decide whether or not I should try to rebuild the friendship that once was or just blatantly accept the fact that these people were gone from my life and we've just drifted apart.

Judging from the picture above, I have 3 friends whom I miss talking to. For now, let's call them "An," "En," and "Ah." Call it weird, but they're the only names I could think of right now that can be derived from their real names. Be that as it may, let's just move past the fact that the names are silly and let's start with the most influential of the three, En.

En is a person who's particularly different out of the three because, truth be told, En and I have never met in person before. Although our days together were spent in front of a screen and inside a chatbox, the distance between us (and the fact that we have never met) were immediately cast aside as we talked, shared stories about our lives, and spazzed about our favorite band. My friendship with En reached its peak around September 2013 or so, as, in that month, En and I were up to the point where we would be having conversations everyday. What made me grew fond of En was the fact that I felt safe talking to her. I don't know why, but I just felt comfortable talking to her and telling her about my stories, secrets, and all that stuff. I just trusted En wholeheartedly and we had a meaningful friendship despite us never meeting in person—something that's rare to find when talking to strangers online. Despite being friends for a good 2-3 years or so, there is surely a reason why she'd be on this list.

You see, around 2015–2016, En and I slowly started to drift apart. It's sad to say, but we kind of just slowly stopped talking to each other and we just grew apart. I'm not sure if we're really going on our separate ways, but I can surely say that I miss her and I miss talking to her. If our paths will cross again soon, I'd love to welcome her back in my life and consider her as one of my best friends again. I really do miss her, and I just hope that we can talk again soon.

Our next person on the list is a person I didn't expect to be friends with, An. An is this person who I knew in high school, but I never really gotten to know An. We just knew each other my name; however, that all changed when I started rambling on Twitter about my issues. I didn't expect it, but, out of the blue, An messaged me about my problems and offered to help me. For some reason, An wanted to listen to the problems I was facing and gave me advice. Our friendship grew as the days went on and we started to share weird stuff to one

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